A look at Fennville area history – ‘Bicycle fever’ taking over (1895); Community band formed (1974)

From the pages of The Fennville Herald:

129 Years Ago
Saturday, June 8, 1895

Fennville Affairs

— Mrs. L.S. Dickinson has joined the bicycle brigade, having recently received a new wheel of handsome model.

— Mrs. L.A. Andrews has a new “Countess” bicycle and will soon begin to learn to tame the thing.

— One of the handsomest carriages ever brought into this place was received by A. Clark Thursday. It is a wood canopy-top phaeton, shell body and handsomely trimmed. It will be a fine addition to his livery outfit.

— While A.J. Capen and Charlie Chapman were blasting stumps with dynamite Sunday, a piece of one of the stumps struck Olney, the four-year-old son of David Hutchins. The flesh of his leg was terribly torn and the services of Drs. Forrest and Cranmer were necessary for some time to dress the wounds. The child is doing as well as possible.

Personal Paragraphs

— The Loomis district is somewhat agitated over trouble about their school flag. On Decoration Day, Charles Loomis wished to borrow the flag to use with his martial band, but its use was denied him by the school board. However, the school house was entered and the flag taken and used. Mr. Loomis claims he secured the consent of some of the school children, but the board claim the flag belongs to the district and it is therefore under their control. This is the second time the flag has been taken and question will probably be legally settled.

Our Neighbors’ Deeds

North Ganges

— Several new “bikes” are now seen daily on the public highway. The bicycle fever still has a firm hold on many in our midst.


— Our pathmaster is mending his ways rapidly and it is about time, from the fact that one of our young men and his best girl were out riding one evening. The road being rough he drove with one hand, the horse got out of the road and over they went. No one was hurt only the boy and his arm had been crooked ever since.

100 Years Ago
Friday, June 13, 1924

Local Happenings

— Auto license 297-327 is wanted at Bales garage for a free inner tube.

— This has certainly been an unusually cold and backward season. Some flowers that often about gone Decoration Day are not yet in blossom and many trees are not yet fully leafed out. But in spite of a frost as late as last week, the fruit prospect is looking very good. …

75 Years Ago
Thursday, June 9, 1949

Dedication Service for Athletic Field Held June 9

The Village Council and the Fennville Memorial Field Athletic Field Committee are pleased to announce the dedication to the Veterans of World War II, living or dead, of the Fennville Memorial Athletic Field, on Thursday evening, June 9th at 8:00 p.m. …

While all details will not be complete, the field is in good shape for the summer softball program, and within the next few days, the tennis court and outdoor basketball court will be ready for use. Construction of a building housing restrooms is in progress. …

50 Years Ago
Thursday, June 13, 1974

Organize Fennville Community Band

School Band Director Jim Schoensee is organizing a Fennville Community Band this summer, sponsored by the Fennville Chamber of Commerce. The band is open to all interested persons from the 8th grade on up, including alumni, tourists and anyone who wants to play a horn. …

Memorial Services

Memorial services for Lt. Commander William L. Tromp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Tromp, of Rt. 2, Fennville, will be held Sunday, June 23, at 3:00 p.m. at Anna Michen High School.

Bill gave his life for his country while flying a night mission of the aircraft carrier Kittyhawk in Vietnam April 17, 1966.

30 Years Ago
Thursday, June 9, 1994

Valedictorian, salutatorian named

Jennifer Diepenhorst, daughter of Cathy Diepenhorst of Fennville, is valedictorian of Fennville High School’s class of 1994 with a grade point average of 3.936. …

Shannon Slawson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Slawson, is salutatorian and has earned a 3.829 grade point average. …

Jim Hayden is a Fennville resident and former editor of The Fennville Herald newspaper.

Follow Jim Hayden on Instagram leftyhayden66 or TikTok @leftyhayden.Information from The Fennville Herald thanks to the Fennville District Library, 400 W. Main St.

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